Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Things that I've learned about myself while living in the bush (Part 1): I taste good

Tuesday 31st March

I do. Really, really good. There's no other explanation as to why else I'd be so popular amongst not just the mosquitoes, but also the ants, the ticks, the flies - you name it, they love to munch on me. Or it could be purely personal - they've all ganged up against me, in which case they've also dragged the plants to join them and asked them to do their bit by stinging me as well whenever they get a chance. Call me paranoid but tonight I'm going to bed with at least 30 bites/stings just on my feet - that's not counting the legs, bum, and my back. Also I would like to clarify that I'm not running around in the bush in a bikini, but fully clothed and that means long trousers. It doesn't stop them. I've already used nearly half a tube of the sting&bite cream in a week and a bit - I envisaged that lasting for at least three months. Oh well. I've got to accept that it's just one of the downsides of the otherwise idyllic life in a bush.

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